Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Making Your Online Business Unique With A Niche

With the fierce competition in online marketing today, you need to find a niche to succeed. Selecting the correct niche will give you an advantage as you will be an expert in a unique field.

So how do we find this niche that will make our online marketing business successful? You need to think about the things you enjoy doing and our good at. It can be virtually anything. Are you good at gardening? How about smoking meats? Maybe you are a good bowler. It doesn't really matter what the niche is, they can all be profitable on the internet.

The important thing to remember is that the topic has to be of interest to others. There are millions of people who garden, many who smoke meats and millions who bowl. So you know those topics are of interest to others. In fact, you will be hard pressed to come up with any niche that is of not of interest to other people.

Competition? Well you are going to have competition in any niche that is why you need to keep it narrow. Let's take the gardening as an example. You could say your niche is gardening and start to build your online business, website, blog or whatever around gardening in general. The problem with this is that it is so broad that you are going to have a hard time attracting visitors. You need to narrow the focus.

So let's say that you are an excellent vegetable gardener and would like to use that as your niche. You could build a website around vegetable gardening and post a blog a couple times a week, but to really make money in your internet marketing business, this still should be narrowed down so that you can appeal to a smaller audience. When I say smaller audience, you will still be targeting thousands, if not millions of people.

Write down on a piece of paper what vegetables you are best at growing. Your list may end up looking like this:

1. Zucchini
2. Carrots
3. Spinach
4. Lettuce
5. Onions

Now you can become the expert at growing any of those vegetables. Do a search on "how to grow zucchini?" you will be amazed at the number of responses there are. So even though you may think that not that many people will want to know about growing zucchini, apparently thousands of people do.

Now that you have found your niche you need to find some products to sell. What kind of products? You could sell information products on growing zucchini, you could sell organic fertilizers and insecticides, containers to grow in etc. Maybe you have your own product that you have invented or created, that is great.

I normally limit it to just a few products that are complimentary of each other and not competing. For instance if you sold three different kinds of fertilizer that all do the same thing, your credibility could suffer as it looks like all you are trying to do is sell the products. If you have three different fertilizers that all do different things, that shows you are an expert and adds credibility.

You are now ready to do your keyword research, build your site and start marketing! Finding a niche is one of the most important steps in building an online marketing business, take your time, do it right and you will be well on your way to success!

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